Thematic Tracks

Thematic tracks organized by experts in particular areas constitute a very important part of the conference.
The list of accepted tracks is below. Please click through for a each track’s scope, dedicated web address, and track chair contact details.

  1. Advances in High-Performance Computational Earth Sciences: Numerical Methods, Frameworks & Applications – IHPCES
  2. Artificial Intelligence and High-Performance Computing for Advanced Simulations – AIHPC4AS
  3. Biomedical and Bioinformatics Challenges for Computer Science – BBC
  4. Computational Diplomacy and Policy – CodiP
  5. Computational Health – CompHealth
  6. Computational Optimization, Modelling and Simulation – COMS
  7. Generative AI and Large Language Models (LLMs) in Advancing Computational Medicine – CMGAI
  8. Machine Learning and Data Assimilation for Dynamical Systems – MLDADS
  9. Multiscale Modelling and Simulation – MMS
  10. Network Models and Analysis: From Foundations to Artificial Intelligence – NMAI
  11. Numerical Algorithms and Computer Arithmetic for Computational Science – NACA
  12. Quantum Computing – QCW
  13. Simulations of Flow and Transport: Modeling, Algorithms and Computation – SOFTMAC
  14. Smart Systems: Bringing Together Computer Vision, Sensor Networks and Artificial Intelligence – SmartSys
  15. Solving Problems with Uncertainties – SPU
  16. Teaching Computational Science – WTCS

Extra Track – ExCALIBUR
The ExCALIBUR (Exascale Computing ALgorithms & Infrastructures Benefiting UK Research) track is co-located with ICCS and takes place on the day before the conference starts (Monday, 1 July). Read more here.

Advances in High-Performance Computational Earth Sciences: Numerical Methods, Frameworks & Applications – IHPCES

Web Address: coming soon
Contact: Takashi Shimokawabe, The University of Tokyo, Japan, email
Description: The IHPCES workshop provides a forum for presentation and discussion of state-of-the-art research in high performance computational earth sciences. The emphasis of the fourteenth workshop continues to be on advanced numerical algorithms, large-scale simulations, architecture-aware and power-aware applications, computational environments and infrastructure, and data analytics methodologies in geosciences. With the imminent arrival of the exascale era, strong multidisciplinary collaborations between these diverse scientific groups are critical for the successful development of earth sciences HPC applications. The workshop facilitates communication between earth scientists, applied mathematicians, computational and computer scientists and presents a unique opportunity to exchange advanced knowledge, computational methods and science discoveries. Work focusing emerging data and computational technologies that benefit the broader geoscience community is especially welcome.
Topics of interest include, but not limited to:
  • Numerical methods for computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and continuum mechanics as a basis for simulations in atmospheric science, ocean science, solid earth science, space & planetary science, and other earth sciences.
  • Large-scale simulations on both homogeneous and heterogeneous supercomputing systems in earth sciences, such as atmospheric science, ocean science, solid earth science, and space & planetary science, as well as multi-physics simulations.
  • Advanced modeling and simulations on natural disaster prevention and mitigation.
  • Advanced numerical methods such as FEM, FDM, FVM, BEM/BIEM, Mesh-Free method, and Particle method etc.
  • Parallel and distributed algorithms and programming strategies focused on issues such as performance, scalability, portability, data locality, power efficiency and reliability.
  • Software engineering and code optimizations for parallel systems with multi-core processors or GPU accelerators.
  • Algorithms for Big Data analytics and applications for large-scale data processing such as mesh generation, I/O, workflow, visualization and end-to-end approaches.
  • Methodologies and tools designed for extreme-scale computing with emphasis on integration, interoperability and hardware-software co-design.

Artificial Intelligence and High-Performance Computing for Advanced Simulations – AIHPC4AS

Contact: Maciej Paszynski, AGH University, Poland, email
Description: This thematic track aims to integrate knowledge in computer science, computational science, and mathematics.
We invite papers oriented toward the applications of artificial intelligence (AI) and high-performance computing (HPC) in simulations, either in continuous simulations (e.g., finite element simulations of stationary problems using AI adaptive algorithms, HPC isogeometric analysis simulations of time-dependent problems, or application of deep learning for stabilization of space-time finite element simulations), as well as in discrete event simulations of complex-systems consisting of interacting individuals (e.g., HPC multi-agent simulations of the disease spread, or AI matching cellular automata parameters for the simulations of tumor growth).
We invite papers oriented toward the applications of AI and HPC in advanced simulations of phenomena often governed by either of the following:
  • Partial Differential Equations (PDEs): linear, non-linear, stationary, and time-dependent.
  • Complex systems consisting of very large collections of interacting individual elements. These systems may include molecules in a material, cells in the human body, interacting species in an ecosystem, and individuals transmitting an infectious disease within a group.
Likewise, we also encourage papers focused on applications and analysis of such advanced simulation methods, including the development of advanced inversion methods. The topics of this thematic track include, but are not limited, to the following::
  • artificial intelligence including soft computing for simulation and inversion of PDEs or and complex systems
  • efficient adaptive algorithms for large problems
  • low computational cost adaptive solvers
  • artificial intelligence in Isogeometric Analysis and Petrov-Galerkin methods
  • model reduction techniques for large problems
  • memetic algorithm
  • multi-agent systems
  • supermodeling techniques
  • advanced parallelization techniques
  • high-performance computing
  • computational and mathematical analysis of advanced simulation methods
  • advanced methods applied to inverse problems
  • applications of advanced simulation methods

Biomedical and Bioinformatics Challenges for Computer Science – BBC

Contact: Mario Cannataro, University “Magna Graecia” of Catanzaro, Italy, email
Description: Emerging technologies in biomedicine and bioinformatics are generating an increasing amount of complex data. To tackle the growing complexity associated with emerging and future life science challenges, bioinformatics and computational biology researchers need to explore, develop and apply novel computational concepts, methods, and tools.
The aim of this workshop is to bring together computer science and life scientists to discuss emerging and future directions in topics related to key bioinformatics and computational biology techniques: (i) Advanced computing architectures; (ii) Algorithm design; (iii) Data analysis and knowledge discovery; (iv) Data management and integration; (v) Integration of quantitative/symbolic knowledge into executable biomedical “theories” or models. A special session will be devoted to bioinformatics and computer science methods to fight the COVID-19 pandemics.

Computational Diplomacy and Policy – CodiP

Contact: Roland Bouffanais, University of Geneva, Switzerland, email
Description: ICCS 2024 will host the second workshop on Computational Diplomacy and Policy (CodiP). This annual workshop provides a platform for scientists and policy makers to share and discuss the latest developments in the multidisciplinary areas at the intersection between computational science, international relations, policy and governance. Following the successful launch of the inaugural CodiP workshop during ICCS 2023, this second edition builds on the solid foundation laid previously in applying computational techniques, and in particular computational modeling, to address decision-making challenges in policy and diplomacy. This upcoming workshop is designed to delve deeper into the subject matter with an emphasis on state-of-the-art methods.
This second edition is co-organized by the Universities of Amsterdam, Geneva, and Durham. At Amsterdam, the POLDER initiative is developing co-created research and new educational programmes around complexity, policy and social systems. At the University of Geneva, the SiDLab (science in diplomacy lab) has an active research group working in the field of computational diplomacy. The University of Durham through the Durham Research Methods Centre is working with scholars and non-academic partners to develop interdisciplinary methods training and research.

Computational Health – CompHealth

Contact: Sergey Kovalchuk, Independent Researcher, Russian Federation, email
Description: The field of computational science application in healthcare and medicine (H&M) is rapidly growing. Modeling and simulation, data and process mining, numerical methods, intelligent technologies provide new insights, support decision making, policy elaboration, etc. Moreover, this area gives quantitative support to emerging concepts in the area like P4-medicine (personalized, predictive, preventive, and participatory), value-based healthcare, and others. This thematic track is aimed to bring together research in computational science and intelligent technologies applied in H&M in all the diversity of scales and aspects. Key topics include (but not limited to):
  • Simulation and modeling in healthcare and medicine (H&M)
  • Complex processes and systems in H&M
  • Networks in H&M
  • Uncertainty management in H&M
  • Numerical methods in H&M
  • Data & process mining, ML & AI in H&M
  • Knowledge and data processing in H&M
  • Decision support and recommending systems in H&M
  • Advanced medical information systems

Computational Optimization, Modelling and Simulation – COMS

Contact: Xin-She Yang, Middlesex University London, United Kingdom, email
Description: The 15th workshop “Computational Optimization, Modelling and Simulation (COMS 2024)” will be a part of the International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS 2024). This will be the 15th event of the COMS workshop series with the first held during ICCS 2010 in Amsterdam, then within ICCS in Singapore, USA, Spain, Australia, Iceland, USA, Switzerland, China, Portugal, Netherlands, Poland, UK and Czech. COMS 2024 intends to provide a forum and foster discussion on the cross-disciplinary research and development in computational optimization, computer modelling and simulation. Accepted papers will be published in Springer’s LNCS Series.
COMS2024 will focus on new algorithms and methods, new trends, and latest developments in computational optimization, modelling and simulation as well as applications in science, engineering and industry.
Topics include (but not limited to):
  • Computational optimization, engineering optimization and design
  • Bio-inspired computing and algorithms
  • Metaheuristics (ant and bee algorithms, cuckoo search, firefly algorithm, genetic algorithms, PSO, simulated annealing etc)
  • Simulation-driven design and optimization of computationally expensive objectives
  • Surrogate- and knowledge-based optimization algorithms
  • Scheduling and network optimization
  • Integrated approach to optimization and simulation
  • Multiobjective optimization
  • New optimization algorithms, modelling techniques related to optimization
  • Design of experiments
  • Application case studies in engineering and industry

Generative AI and Large Language Models (LLMs) in Advancing Computational Medicine – CMGAI

Contact: Ahmed Abdeen Hamed, Sano Centre for Computational Personalized Medicine, Poland, email
Description: Welcome to the Thematic Track of innovation in Computational Medicine! The “Generative AI and Large Language Models in Computational Medicine Applications” track at ICCS’2024 is a dynamic space where cutting-edge technologies converge with biomedicine and healthcare applications. This track invites researchers, practitioners, and industry leaders to explore the transformative impact of Generative AI and Large Language Models (LLMs) on the landscape of computational medicine:
  • Clinical Decision Support: Uncover the potential of these advanced models in providing decision support for healthcare professionals. How can Generative AI enhance clinical decision-making processes.
  • Patient-Clinician Communication: Explore the role of Generative AI and LLMs in facilitating effective communication between patients and healthcare providers. How can these models improve the patient experience.
  • Biomedical Text Mining: Navigate the intricate world of biomedical text mining and discover how Generative AI and LLMs can revolutionize information extraction and knowledge discovery in computational medicine.
  • Drug Discovery and Repurposing: Investigate the impact of Generative AI on drug discovery and repurposing efforts. How can these models expedite the identification of potential treatments and therapeutic combinations.
  • Integrating Large Language Models and Knowledge Graphs for Generative AI to empower BioMedical Applications
  • Using GenAI to advance biomedical and lifescience workflow systems
  • Assessment of content, generated detection, fact checking for biomedical applications
  • Literature mining using Generative AI and LLMs for biomedical discoveries
  • Advancing search engines and semantic search engines using Generative AI and LLMs
  • The use of GenAI and LLMs to extract entity relationships from text (including causal relatiosnships)

Machine Learning and Data Assimilation for Dynamical Systems – MLDADS

Contact: Rossella Arcucci, Imperial College London, United Kingdom, email
Description: The intersection of the fields data assimilation, machine learning and dynamical systems is still largely unexplored, and the goal of the MLDADS workshop is to bring together contributions from these fields to fill the gap between these theories in the following directions:
1) Machine Learning for Data Assimilation: how to assist or replace the traditional methods in making forecasts, without the unrealistic assumption (particularly linearity, normality and zero error covariance) of the conventional methods.
2) Machine Learning for Dynamical Systems: how to analyze dynamical systems on the basis of observed data rather than attempt to study them analytically.
3) Data Assimilation for Machine Learning and/or Dynamical Systems: how well does the model under consideration (Machine Learning model and/or Dynamical System) represent the physical phenomena.
4) Data Assimilation and Machine Learning for Dynamical Systems: how can tools from the interaction between the theories of Data Assimilation and Machine Learning be used to improve the accuracy of the prediction of dynamical systems.

Multiscale Modelling and Simulation – MMS

Contact: Derek Groen, Brunel University London, United Kingdom, email
Description: Modelling and simulation of multiscale systems constitutes a grand challenge in computational science, and is widely applied in fields ranging from the physical sciences and engineering to the life science and the socio-economic domain. Most of the real-life systems encompass interactions within and between a wide range of spatio-temporal scales, and/or on many separate levels of organization. They require the development of sophisticated models and computational techniques to accurately simulate the diversity and complexity of multiscale problems, and to effectively capture the wide range of relevant phenomena within these simulations. Additionally, these multiscale models frequently need large scale computing capabilities as well as dedicated software and services that enable the exploitation of existing and evolving computational ecosystems.
This MMS track aims to provide a forum for multiscale application modellers, framework developers and experts from the distributed infrastructure communities to identify and discuss challenges in, and possible solutions for, modelling and simulating multiscale systems, as well as their execution on advanced computational resources and their validation against experimental data.

Network Models and Analysis: From Foundations to Artificial Intelligence – NMAI

Contact: Marianna Milano, University Magna Graecia of Catanzaro, Italy, email
Description: Networks are present in different aspects of our life: communication networks, World Wide Web, Social Networks, and can be used to conveniently describe biological and clinical data, such as the interactions of proteins in an organisms or the connections of neurons in the brain. Therefore, network science, focusing on the network representations of physical, biological and social phenomena and leading to predictive models of these phenomena, currently represents a vast field of application and research for many scientific and social disciplines. Networks and network analysis methods are a keystone in computational biology and bioinformatics and are more and more used to study biological and clinical data in an integrated way.
Most recently, Network science and Artificial intelligence (AI) are become two interconnected fields that can complement each other in various ways.
The combination of these two domains has the potential to address complex problems. Graph Neural Networks (GNNs): GNNs have gained popularity in recent years. These neural networks are designed to operate on graph-structured data, making them well-suited for tasks where relationships between data points are crucial.
The goal of the workshop to bring together scientists in the fields of bioinformatics, biomedicine, medical informatics, as well as scientists working in biology and medicine, to collect advanced works on development of new pipelines, algorithms and tools for the network analysis of complex systems in different domains coupled with AI.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
  • Network-based bioinformatics methods
  • Networks-based applications in computational biology, genomics, medicine, and healthcare
  • Graph representation learning for visualizing and interpreting biological and biomedical data
  • Bioinformatics methods for network-based analysis and visualization
  • Network-based modeling and analysis of complex diseases
  • Complex network models for structure and function analysis
  • Network models in epidemiology
  • Next-generation network science
  • Artificial intelligence for network models of complex diseases
  • Applications of deep learning approaches in computational biology, genomics, medicine, and healthcare
  • Networks Alignment
  • Complex Prediction
  • Network Embedding
  • Pathways Analysis
  • Multilayer Network

Numerical Algorithms and Computer Arithmetic for Computational Science – NACA

Contact: Pawel Gepner, Warsaw Technical University, Poland, email
Description: The Thematic Track on Numerical Algorithms and Computer Arithmetic for Computational Science 2024 (NACA 2024) welcomes submissions that showcase advancements in numerical algorithms and computer arithmetic across various fields of computational science. This includes modelling and simulation, as well as high-performance computing and data-intensive algorithms for scientific applications. While submissions can explore a wide array of topics, the following areas are particularly of interest:
  • Foundations of computer arithmetic: emerging number systems and their applications
  • Novel arithmetic algorithms, their analysis, and applications
  • Efficient, high-performance, novel implementations of computer arithmetic in software and hardware
  • Integer or floating-point operations, elementary and special functions, multiple-precision computing, interval arithmetic
  • New algorithms and properties of floating-point arithmetic in emerging domains and applications

Quantum Computing – QCW

Contact: Katarzyna Rycerz, AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland, email
Description: Quantum computing is a paradigm that exploits the fundamental principles of quantum mechanics to solve problems in various fields of science that are beyond the possibilities of classical computing infrastructures. Despite the increasing activity in both theoretical research and hardware implementations, reaching the state of useful quantum supremacy is still an open question. This workshop aims to provide a forum for computational scientists, software developers, computer scientists, physicists and quantum hardware providers to understand and discuss research on current applications of quantum informatics to the field of computational science.

Simulations of Flow and Transport: Modeling, Algorithms and Computation – SOFTMAC

Contact: Shuyu Sun, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Saudi Arabia, email
Description: Modeling of flow and transport is an essential component of many scientific and engineering applications, with increased interests in recent years. Application areas vary widely, and include groundwater contamination, carbon sequestration, air pollution, petroleum exploration and recovery, weather prediction, drug delivery, material design, chemical separation processes, biological processes, and many others. However, accurate mathematical and numerical simulation of flow and transport remains a challenging topic from many aspects of physical modeling, numerical analysis and scientific computation. Mathematical models are usually expressed via nonlinear systems of partial differential equations, with possibly rough and discontinuous coefficients, whose solutions are often singular and discontinuous. An important step of a numerical solution procedure is to apply advanced discretization methods (e.g. finite elements, finite volumes, and finite differences) to the governing equations. Local mass conservation and compatibility of numerical schemes are often necessary to obtain physical meaningful solutions. Another important solution step is the design of fast and accurate solvers for the large-scale linear and nonlinear algebraic equation systems that result from discretization. Solution techniques of interest include multiscale algorithms, mesh adaptation, parallel algorithms and implementation, efficient splitting or decomposition schemes, and others.
The international workshop on “Simulations of Flow and Transport: Modeling, Algorithms and Computation” (SOFTMAC) has been held 12 years since 2011 within the International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS). The aim of this symposium is to bring together researchers in the aforementioned field to highlight the current developments both in theory and methods, to exchange the latest research ideas, and to promote further collaborations in the community. We invite original research articles describing the recent advances in mathematical modeling, computer simulation, numerical analysis, and other computational aspects of flow and transport phenomena of flow and transport.
Potential topics include, but are not limited to:
  1. advanced numerical methods for the simulation of subsurface and surface flow and transport, and associated aspects such as discretization, gridding, upscaling, multiscale algorithms, optimization, data assimilation, uncertainty assessment, and high performance parallel and grid computing;
  2. spatial discretization schemes based on advanced finite element, finite volume, and finite different methods; schemes that preserve local mass conservation (such as mixed finite element methods and discontinuous Galerkin methods) are of particular interest;
  3. decomposition methods for improved efficiency and accuracy in treating flow and transport problems; decomposition methods for nonlinear differential equations and dynamical systems arising in flow and transport; temporal discretization schemes for flow and transport;
  4. a-priori and a-posteriori error estimates in discretizations and decompositions; numerical convergence study; adaptive algorithms and implementation;
  5. modeling and simulation of single-phase and multi-phase flow in porous media or in free space, and its applications to earth sciences and engineering;
  6. modeling and simulation of subsurface and surface transport and geochemistry, and its application to environmental sciences and engineering;
  7. computational thermodynamics of fluids, especially hydrocarbon and other oil reservoir fluids, and its interaction with flow and transport;
  8. computational modeling of flow and transport in other fields, such as geological flow/transport in crust and mantle, material flow in supply chain networks, separation processes in chemical engineering, information flow, biotransport, and intracellular protein trafficking, will also be considered.

Smart Systems: Bringing Together Computer Vision, Sensor Networks and Artificial Intelligence – SmartSys

Contact: Pedro J S Cardoso, University of Algarve & LARSyS, Portugal, email
Description: Smart Systems incorporate sensing, actuation, and intelligent control in order to analyze, describe or resolve situations, making decisions based on the available data in a predictive or adaptive manner. Appropriated for computer scientists, mathematicians, as well as researchers from many application areas, pioneering computational methods in distinct research fields, such as space, physics, chemistry, life sciences, economics, security, engineering, arts, humanitarian etc., SmartSys’24 thematic track brings together computer vision, sensor networks, artificial intelligence, data science, applications etc. to solve computational science problems. But other related areas are also welcome, such as in augmented reality, human computer interaction, user experience, Internet of Things/everything, energy management systems & smart grids, vehicles & person tracking and management systems, operational research, evolutionary computation, time-series, and information systems in general, always with the focus in smart systems as modeling, simulation and optimization tools to solve daily computational science-based problems.

Solving Problems with Uncertainties – SPU

Contact: Vassil Alexandrov, Hartree Centre – STFC, United Kingdom, email
Description: Problems with uncertainty need to be tackled in an increasing variety of areas, from physics, chemistry, engineering, computational biology and environmental sciences to decision making in economics and social sciences. Uncertainty is unavoidable in almost all systems analysis, risk analysis, decision making and modelling and simulation. How uncertainty is handled and quantified shapes the integrity of the analysis, and the correctness and credibility of the solution and the results.
With the advent of exascale computing, big data analytics and scalable AI, larger and larger problems – often requiring hybrid approaches – have to be solved in a systematic way at scale. The problem of solving such problems with uncertainties and quantifying the uncertainties becomes even more important due to the variety and scale of uncertainties in such problems.
The focus of the workshop will be on methods and algorithms for solving problems with uncertainties, stochastic methods and algorithms for solving problems with uncertainties, methods and algorithms for quantifying uncertainties such as dealing with data input and missing data, sensitivity analysis (local and global), dealing with model inadequacy, model validation and averaging, software fault-tolerance and resilience and more.

Teaching Computational Science – WTCS

Contact: Evguenia Alexandrova, Hartree Centre – STFC, United Kingdom, email
Description: The focus of this workshop will be innovations in teaching computational science in its various aspects (e.g. modeling and simulation, high-performance and large-data environments) at all levels and in all contexts. Typical topics include but are not restricted to, innovations in the following areas: course content, curriculum structure, methods of instruction, methods of assessment, tools to aid in teaching or learning, evaluations of alternative approaches, and non-academic training in computational sciences. These innovations may be in the context of formal courses or self- directed learning. They may involve, for example, introductory, service, or more advanced courses; specialist undergraduate or postgraduate topics; professional development; or industry-related short courses.
We welcome submissions directed at issues of current and local importance, as well as topics of international interest. Such topics may include transition from school to university, articulation between vocational and university education, quality management in teaching, development of needed HPC and other computational research skills, teaching people from other cultures, attracting and retaining female students, diversification of the workforce, and flexible learning.