ICCS 2005, Emory University, Atlanta, USA


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Conference Venue

Main location: Math & Science Center (MSC), Emory University: looks like, map, floor plan
White Hall (WH), Emory University: map, floor plan
Parking: Visitors surface parking lot adjacent to MSC on map
Travel: Practical Information for Visitors
Marta: If using Marta, please be aware of infrequent service, see here
Shuttles: Circular -> MSC/WH -> ECCH -> Univ Inn -> Hol Inn Exp -> Hol Inn Sel
Scheduled: Sun 5-8pm and Mon 7-10am
As needed/on demand: Mon 5-9pm, Tue 7-10am, Wed 7-10am

Practical Info

Registration: MSC 2nd floor atrium; 12 - 9pm Sunday, 8am onwards Monday
Phone: (404) 727-5381 [conference desk], (404) 727-7580 [department]
Network: We expect to have WiFi access in most locations. The network ID (ESSID) is: "conference". For outgoing e-mail, while on Emory campus, you can use server "smtp.service.emory.edu". Please also see here
A/V: Each conference room has an integrated AV system, including a stationary projector. Each room will be equipped with an internet-connected Windows PC or a laptop computer. The following software will be installed on each computer: PowerPoint Viewer 2003, Acrobat Reader 6.0, and the Internet browser. Each computer will have an external USB port, allowing presenters to upload presentations brought on USB keys. Some, but not all, computers in Math and Science Center (MSC) may also have CD-ROMs. Additionally, the AV system allows connection of external laptops; appropriate video and networking outlets are provided.

Overhead (transparency) projectors are also available. Please contact us in advance if you are planning to use one.

Presenters: Please contact your session chairs at least 5 minutes before session starts.
Food: Conference registration includes receptions (with hearty fare) on Sun & Mon evenings, dinner on Tue evening, and continental breakfast, lunch, morning and afternoon coffee breaks on Mon, Tue, and Wed. For additional choices, please see here

About Atlanta

Guide to Atlanta: www.atlanta.com
Access Atlanta: www.accessatlanta.com
Best in Atlanta: www.bestinatlanta.com

Web: Milena Zajac, Zofia Mosurska, Piotr Wendykier (wendyk@mathcs.emory.edu) Last updated: March 17, 2005