ICCS 2007, Graduate University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China

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ICCS 2007 : Keynote Abstract Alexandrov

Efficient Scalable Algorithms for Large Scale Computations

Vassil Alexandrov,
Advanced Computing and Emerging Technologies Centre,
University of Reading, Whiteknights, P.O. Box 225
Reading, RG6 6AY, UK

One of the significant questions to be addressed in Computational Science is developing scalable algorithms allowing to tackle Large Scale (Grand Challenges) problems and thus enabling computational scientists to overcome the performance gap.
In this presentation an overview of the various approaches for designing such algorithms will be made. Some generic key properties of scalable algorithms will be described. The author will present examples of such scalable algorithms from areas of Large Matrix Computations as well as scalable algorithms for Environmental Problems such as Air Pollution Modelling etc. outlining the efficiency of the approach.