ICCS 2012, Omaha, Nebraska

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New Frontiers through Computer and Information Science

Frederica Darema

Today, computer and information science has joined mathematics and physics as the disciplines with foundational and pervasive impact across all other science and engineering fields. In fact, advances in these fields, including physics and mathematics, is intertwined with advances in computer and information sciences and with the ensuing information technologies. Synergistic advances are profoundly impacting our ability to probe and analyze physical and engineered systems, in their multiple scales and functions, and to understand and exploit their foundational characteristics and properties. It is in such contexts that opportunities exist for advancing the research frontiers in many critical areas, for example in modeling and understanding complex and dynamic systems, computational and communications systems cyber-systems, and in studying engineered and biological systems from sub-cellular and cellular networks to human networks, and from ubiquitous sensor networks to critical infrastructure systems. The talk will address advances that can be engendered in the framework of new directions, such as in InfoSymbioticSystems embodying the power of the Dynamic Data Driven Applications Systems paradigm, in Engineering Systems of Systems, in Unification of High-End with Data Acquisition and Control systems, in Understanding the Brain and the Mind, and in Network Science.


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