ICCS 2009, Baton Rouge, LA, USA

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Title:  Developing HPC Applications with the Cactus Framework

Duration: Half day


This tutorial will describe how modern frameworks can aid the development process for complex, highly scalable applications able to take advantage of new supercomputers and cyberinfrastructure. Although focusing on the Cactus Framework, the methodologies and technologies discussed should be of benefit to anyone developing or using large scale parallel scientific applications. The tutorial will cover:
  • HPC software frameworks
  • Cactus Framework, modules, drivers, parallelization
  • Example applications
  • I/O, checkpointing and restart
  • Tools for deploying, debugging, monitoring and visualization

Dr Erik Schnetter, Dr Frank Loeffler, Dr Eloisa Bentivegna

There is no fee to attend the tutorials, but please, fill out the registration form.


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